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Course Name C2 Advanced C1 Pre-advanced B2 Upper Intermediate B2 Intermediate B1 Lower Intermediate B1 Basic A2 Elementary A1 Beginner
Description I speak and understand very well, looking for perfection. I speak and understand well. Wants to revise full grammar & new vocabulary I can communicate & looking for public speaking only. I can speak & know tenses but have problems with grammar and vocabulary I can speak sentences and understand the main points of a conversation but need new vocabulary I can speak & understand regular topics but only with some difficulty. I try to say and understand a few things in English First time I will Speak in English.
Duration 1 Month 3 Months 1 Month 1 Month 1 Month 3 Month 3 Months 3 Months
Level Advance Beginner Customised Customised Customised Customised Customised Customised
First Demo Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free
Students Limit Upto 15 Upto 15 1 1 1 1 1 1
Daily Time 2 Hours 2 Hours 30 Minutes 45 Minutes 60 Minutes 30 Minutes 45 Minutes 60 Minutes
Duration/month 60 Hours 60 Hours 27 Hours 33 Hours 38 Hours 27 Hours 33 Hours 38 Hours
Regular Days Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Monday to Friday
Group Discussion (2 Hours) Sat-Sun (paid) Sat-Sun (paid) Sat-Sun (free) Sat-Sun (free) Sat-Sun (free) Sat-Sun (free) Sat-Sun (free) Sat-Sun (free)
Fees (in rupees) 2,900/- 5,900/- 4,900/- 6,900/- 8,900/- 13,500/- 19,500/- 24,500/-
Fees for 30 Days (comparision) 2,900/- 1,966/- 4,900/- 6,900/- 8,900/- 4,500/- 6,500/- 8,166/-
Fees / PT Hour NA NA 445/- 418/- 404/- 409/- 393/- 371/-
Course Fees / Hour 48/- 32/- 181/- 209/- 234/- 166/- 196/- 214/-


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